Dear Joe,
I'll say it up front, I'm writing to gloat a little. In early July of 2007 I wrote to you to complain about the massive media smear of two former students of mine, a young Jordanian married couple who were arrested in connection with the botched Glasgow Airport bombing last summer. You kindly printed my letter ("Lies about 'failed terror attacks' in UK") and moderated some of the responses to it. Because the media offered no evidence against them, I was very angry to see their names (Mohammad Asha and Marwa Da'ana) and pictures included among a sort of rogue's gallery of evildoers wherever I looked that week.
Although I had known them slightly as teenagers when I taught in their school for gifted students in Amman, Jordan, my judgement was not based on affection but on the total lack of evidence offered and the psychological tricks used in the media to make the accused seem already proven guilty. For example, footage of previous terror attacks in the U.K. were frequently shown in stories about the case, although those far more deadly atttacks were completely unrelated.
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