Dear readers,
Well, the masked political consultant blew through town the other day
painting the town with his latest message, this time a big picture
message. So big picture in fact, that it makes the ideas such as the
"framing concept" of George Lakoff look like mouse farts. Before he
again rode off on his white horse Mescalero, he left this silver bullet
for us to contemplate -- the answer to the question: "Why the neocon
bastards always seem to put six rounds into the chests of earnest
liberals in every political gunfight, and why the Christian
fundamentalists always cheer for the bad guys?"
In art and labor,
PS: Here are linked headlines to the two previous contributions to this site by our favorite anonymous political consultant: "Moving to the Center of Elite Consensus" and "Life in the Post Political Age".
By An Anonymous Political Consultant
The rise of religious fundamentalism as a political force is the most
important and misunderstood development in our recent history.
The primary motivating factor in the development of the religious right
is a defensive response to the challenges posed by the power of popular
consumer and entertainment culture and not a backlash against
progressive or liberal ideas and social movements.