Hi Joe,
Thanks! I'm moving to Morocco and it's all because your article on Belize got me thinking (Getting Out the Bling Vote). Just wanted to tell you how thoroughly I enjoyed your piece on elections in Belize. I laughed very hard. Not only did I laugh very hard but I almost packed up and moved to Belize on the spot because I have a pension and decided the time is NOW to get out of here and use it to enjoy life rather than subsidizing my work income and wars.
Haha! But Belize didn't look as good as Costa Rica, which didn't look as good as Panama, which didn't look as good as Ecuador, etcetera, etcetera, so I crossed the Atlantic and am moving to Morocco soon.
That's it. Done. Leaving as soon as I've settled all my things here. Don't want you to think I'm flighty. My culture is more French and I've always felt "different" in the US. This has been a long time building up.
The candidates are all begging for my vote! Wow! They're even giving me a choice of flavors, as long as I choose vanilla, vanilla bean, country vanilla, double vanilla, creamy vanilla, french vanilla or old-fashioned vanilla. When I looked a little closer, that label reads "Made in D.C." and "imitation vanilla". This charade is becoming increasingly tiresome.
So thank you for writing that article. Thank you for getting my mind on Belize and I'll send you a postcard from Morocco when I get there.
I hope you're well and drink another one for me ;)
Dear Tinoire,
You think the elections look like thin gruel from up there?
A few days ago, I broke down and watched CNN with my Garifuna family here in Belize. Marzy cheered for Obama's recent victory in South Carolina. I asked her, "Do you know where South Carolina is?"
"No. I like he because he good lookin."
Husband Luke just grumbled under his breath.
"So what do you think of Obama, Luke?" I asked.
"Nice tie," he answered. "But no head on de top of it."
So it goes.
In art and labor,