You wrote about the "approved" paths to knowledge: "The problem comes
with the way we are made slaves to accredited and state sanctioned
forms of gaining knowledge." Jeazus!!! Glory -- slap me silly -- I have
found a brother!
Ya know, Joe, I was gettin' a little drifty on you with the political
stuff. I'm not a great fan of unrestrained anarcho-capitalism, but the
180 degree swing that you frequently espouse doesn't appeal a great
deal to me either. From my point of view, I like private property. I
like the notion that a person who works hard gets rewarded beyond the
slothful wretch who just gets through the day. I just think the cult of
individual reward has gone through the ole buffet line a few too many
times here in present-day 'merica. All that fell away when I read your
email concerning education.