The Democratic Conga Line in the American House of Lords
Saw the talking heads today, speaking the priestly tongue. Saw them
nodding seriously, using words like 'gravitas' and a few others that
originated in the bosom of Americana. Heard one of the newly elected
basically state that things would be business as usual, don't expect a
lot of changes. Rather scornfully and testily the idea of impeaching W
was dismissed. Well, why the hell not? No answer, just the satisfied,
mildly contemptuous smile. Oh, yes, and there'll be a lot of
'bipartisan' things going on.
-- Key Bugle, Internet denizen, retired army seargent
By Joe Bageant
Democrats are dancing around the head of Donald Rumsfeld like a scene
from Lord of the Flies, heating up the tar buckets and plucking the
goose in eager, nay, wild, anticipation. Personally, I love the smell
of tar and feathers in the morning and am quite willing to march on the
White House as we speak. I like revenge as well as the next guy. But I
also consider myself a compassionate man, one perfectly willing to let
Bush's cabinet choose whether they wanna play the mommy or the daddy in
the Big House, then move on to the real problems, such as the fact that
a gallon of Old Grandad is nearly 50 bucks here in Virginia, or the
fact that we are still a nation of people, half of whom were happy to
elect a bunch of war criminals -- TWICE! -- and still are.