I'm black and I agree with many things in your article, "Revenge of the Mutt People." I grew up with "apple heads" (i.e., cracklets) as a kid and they weren't any different from the "dumb niggers" I had to deal with on a daily basis. We were friends caught up in the same oppressive system with as much chance as a cat of getting out. I did. But only by moving out at 12 and faking my age to get ahead. Our education system sucks. I learned because it was interesting and I liked it. That's how I became a physicist. IT WAS FUN. And I lucked out by finding people who were into learning for the hell of it and actually showing me how it applied to real life. You don't get that anymore. Yeah, I did my time as a coked-up middle manager and Le**-Ne*** with the corner office, 14 cups of caffeine, two pack a day, backstabbing grind.
I grew a set and quit. Now I give back by teaching low income kids science, physics and electronics along with math and ENGLISH! so they can get a start. And I do it out of my own pocket so they can get an education without restrictions placed on what they want to learn. But back to the article.
I know whereof you speak because my father was Black and my mother Irish from County Cork folks. I got it from both ends and they were both crazy. That's why I left. Our country is a shit pile and the people are flies feeding off of it. Look at television and ask yourself why they are fat lazy MP3 guzzling PlayStation idiots. It's got to change.
Or, we all are truly fucked. Drowning in debt. But with a cool plasma screen TV to watch our pap movies on. Disney manufactured pseudo celebrities or rapper driven thugs. White, Black, Asian, Muslim racists fighting over the rapidly dwindling resources of a way too stressed planet not able to see beyond the next pay/welfare/subsidy check and dying of self created diseases and blaming it on someone else.
RANT RANT RANT.....Slobber drool...
I just pisses me off sometimes to think how much better we would have been off if we'd have stood by our convictions or at least tried harder. I know. I was a Panther in Chicago in the 60's and that got us nowhere but the same elitist bullshit black people that we complained about in white culture.
Right now I'm re-watching an episode of an animated show called "Boondocks" about Martin Luther King not being dead. I watched it last Sunday and actually broke down crying. It was dead on about how black people have become parodies of themselves and the "Dream" died a long time ago for everyone. In exchange for "bling bling" and vapid reality. I feel sorry for all of us who call ourselves AMERICANS.
Thanks for listening,
DAAAYMNED! HOOOOWEEEE! Burnt my fucking eyebrows off!
Nothing to reply, my brother. I have sense enough to know when to shut up and listen to a genuine American voice tell it like it is.