Ordinary people are finally starting to ask, but does it really matter?
By Joe Bageant
Supposedly, if you put live frogs in a kettle of cold water on the stove, then raise the temperature very slowly, the frogs will eventually boil to death without trying to escape. I don't know if that is true, but it does seem the perfect, if sometimes overused, analogy for what we see going on around us in America. My guess is that we frogs are about medium done for. Having never cooked frogs or lived in a fascist state, I am not a practiced judge of these things, but I'm quite sure the end result of either is in no way desirable for frogs or human beings.
I do notice however, that some frogs are turning quite red. Here in the
States there is now a trend of wearing red on Fridays in silent protest of
the Bush junta. Reportedly, this is modeled after a 1940 practice by
citizens of Nazi occupied Norway, though it is hard to imagine why oppressed
Norwegians would do anything that might make them stand out to their
oppressors. Still, urban legend or not, it's all over the Internet and one
would suppose quite a few people on the "left-coast" are sporting red. By
now, it's probably old hat out there.
Not so here in the Washington D.C. area, where we have always thought twice
before expressing dissent with any administration, given that the government
dominates employment and many other aspects of our lives, either directly or
indirectly. If your employer does not sell something to the government, your
spouse may well work in a federal agency, etc. Political views do affect
things at work, and it is usually best to keep them to yourself. But these
days many of us feel something stranger than normal Washington politics
going on -- an unseen, mostly unspoken, but surely felt atmosphere of spooky
Is it chilly in here, or is that the leer of a mad man?
Still though, the Eastern Seaboard has always been more repressed than the
West. So if you mention in polite company how spooky our current political
regime seems, most will look at you like you are crazy, or perhaps even
explode into a fanatical defense of George W. Bush, in which case you know
you have pressed a neo-con's button. Only a minority here will openly
discuss the chilling parallels that informed people see in the Bush junta
with the rise of Nazi Germany. This is partly because the more hysterical
liberals have abused that analogy to death since the beginning of the
administration, before there was much evidence; so it is has been considered
off limits in moderate, intelligent circles.
This is slowly changing I believe, because it is now becoming obvious that
George W. Bush is not merely dumb -- he may well be nuts. Every day his
actions look more like a genuinely disordered and dangerous mind at work.
Not exactly news to those of us who long ago read the same observation on
the Internet, or in recently published books to that effect. But what is
news is that ordinary nonpolitical white collar working puds, the dreary
commuter tribes, in the suburbs and outlying towns are starting to whisper
it among themselves. So maybe are beginning to more openly address the
question of whether our commander in chief is a certifiable loopjob -- and if
he is, just what kind of nuts he may be -- and do so in language average
literate folks can understand without covering the entire Jungian cosmology
or diving into Freud's turgid depths. In calling numerous psychiatrist
friends, I learned it is considered unethical for licensed psychiatrists to
comment publicly on the mental state of an American president, and I can't
say I disagree with that. But the mind of the guy who now has one finger on
the red nuclear button and the other up his nose is a matter that should be
talked about and is being talked about and I'll be damned if I'm going to
avoid it. So we will have to punt and hope for the best.
Let's keep it simple: Stupidity alone cannot account for George Bush's
behavior -- especially when his behavior so well matches known pathologies.
For example, if an ordinary citizen believed he was being directed by God to
attack "the governments where the Bible happened," as he once described the
Middle East, or thought that ordering the execution of a criminal was funny
as hell, or saw everyone who disagreed with him as an agent of the Devil, he
or she would be put on some heavy meds at the very least. Hell, I've been
medicated for a lot less.
A fellow named Paul Levy in Florida has circulated an email calling Bush's
condition "malignant narcissism." As an off-again-on-again enthusiast of
Jung and Freud, I was naturally interested in this, and after dredging up
what I remember from psychology classes, a few books (and yes, a long stint
in therapy myself) his observations seem at least a little insightful. If
nothing else, he has given us some terms and contexts in which to consider
what is going on. Contexts we will certainly never hear or see in the media.
According to Levy, Bush's behavior would be normal behavior for a malignant
narcissist who finds himself with the kind of power a US president has. The
narcissist would conclude that he is divinely inspired by God and see his
command of the world's mightiest army and its wealthiest nation as proof God
blesses his efforts. In some ways that makes him an average American. Thanks
to our Puritan beginnings, we have long believed that power and wealth are
manifestations of God's preference for an individual or a nation, and
unfortunately tend to act on to this mystical assumption. Whether we are
saving the world from communism by killing Southeast Asians or covertly
assassinating the democratically elected leftist president of a Latin
American nation, it is viewed as liberating the planet from the evil boogers
Americans see everywhere, but which emanate from our own national psyche.
The world being imperfect, America's quest to make it perfect it by
destroying all it considers impure can only lead to much world destruction,
of course. It also bears a nasty resemblance to the Nazi obsession with
Another characteristic of malign narcissism is said to be a near or absolute
lack of compassion. So when George Bush laughed and mocked the last-minute
pleading of Carla Faye Tucker, whom he sent to the death chamber in Texas,
("Ohhh, pleeeeze don't kill me!" he mimicked in a scornful whine on a
conservative talk show) he had no idea saner people do not find this funny.
I am told it is characteristic of malignant narcissists not to feel any
remorse whatsoever. We might also assume that the deaths of American GIs
have little effect on him either, though he must pretend so on camera.
Ass-scratchers + God = strange times indeed
Bush doesn't fit our image of the hysterical madman exhorting a nation down
a megalomaniacal path toward horror. In fact, most Americans, and quite
understandably, would rather have a beer and watch a game with George Bush
than, say, with Al Gore. Meaning that George Bush has what campaign
strategists call "ass-scratcher appeal" with the average guy. He also seems
to have a mesmerizing effect on conservative Americans that is totally
inexplicable to the rest of us. He can lie, then lie about the lie, then all
but admit he lied and they still come running and falling like wheat before
the sickle.
I think it is the power of delusion (having deluded some ex-wives, bosses
and the IRS a few times myself,) Bush's own and our national one. In his
personal delusion Bush is so convinced of his own words that he comes off as
very convincing to others. He is very seductive to most Americans' concept
of themselves as a nation. To them he looks like the first president in a
long time to assert what is "right about America," and especially so
following a president who was deemed "slick" and kept a woman under his desk
(Which strikes some of us coarser types as pretty damned slick if you can
get away with it.) Bush has charisma to those who believe the world is a
mean place and that subtler considerations only get in the way. Especially
fearful conservatives, always operating from the politics of scarcity,
fearful of losing what they have gained materially, those being the core
operating values of standard conservatism. Neo-conservatives, of course, are
willing to kill you to get it in the first place.
If Bush has given conservatives cause for joy, he has given fundamentalist
Christians an absolute hard-on. With tears of joy and praise, they have
embraced him as their long-awaited national savior, and if the concept of
malign narcissism is right, about the only thing a narcissist finds more
appealing than being president is being the Messiah. So, hand-in-hand Bush
and these Christian soldiers, clothed in the infallible rightness of their
agenda -- an ultra-fundamentalist Christian America with dominion over a
world hammered (bombed if need be) into a likeness of itself, they stomp
forward in close hoplite ranks. Bush poses against backdrops that make halos
of the presidential seal appearing as Christ-like as possible. The adoring
throng does not fail to be properly inspired, despite his congenital
close-eyed squint. Even without psychological theories of narcissism, the
whole idea of ecstatic Christian masses spotting a halo around Bush's head
in Newsweek seems a little nuts at face value, though it must make Karl Rove
pee his pants with glee in that campaign headquarters known as the White
Now comes the Hitler analogy, and I'll be damned if I am going to apologize
for it: Just as Hitler struck a chord deep in the German unconscious, Bush
is touching something within the American unconscious. Whether he is a
manifestation of our national mental state, or whether we are unwitting
agents of his could be argued. It certainly seems symbiotic. We did elect
him for a reason, and history will probably record that reason as not being
a very pretty one, the similarities in our national behavior being
unnervingly similar to those of pre-war Germany. Why do so many assumedly
decent, normal Americans support insane actions such as the Iraq War,
strange off-shore wire cage prisons in Cuba, the government's own admission
of a dozen secret prisons around the world, or stubborn opposition to the
world tribunal for war criminals and ethnic cleansers? Doesn't anyone find
these things strange? In fact, doesn't anyone find it strange that two
Bushes were elected president so closely together, the father being less
than gifted, and the son as useless as tits on a boar hog? (Except at
escaping his many failed businesses with loads of cash, rather like the
gambler who shoots out the lights and grabs the pot.) If that's not strange
I don't know what is. When Fidel Castro offered to monitor the 2000
presidential election count in Florida, we probably could not have done any
worse by taking him up on it. Yet most Americans, including their media,
did not seem to find all this one bit odd, and pretended that the
Brownshirts torching black votes on down in Florida (despite the Brownshirts
being orchestrated by yet a third Bush!) was just another zany little
election fracas. Since then, the ACLU has won a lawsuit proving that it was
indeed a mugging going on in Florida, and the courts have ordered those tens
of thousands of black voters restored to the rolls. The Republican dominated
state's reply has been an unspoken but clear as hell, "fuck you!" Those
black voters are still off the rolls as I write.
I do not have to go as far as the Sunshine State to feel the chill of
suspicious eyes upon me. Right here in Northern Virginia, the northernmost
point of the American South, I get little moments of fear that make me
wonder if I am being singled out. Maybe I'm just paranoid. The other day
when the mailman delivered my subscriber copy of Socialist Worker, he felt
perfectly comfortable questioning me rudely as to my national loyalty, as if
I were some sort of fair game and not deserving of normal privacy or
courtesy. A local rightwing politico, pissed about my liberal activism in
housing, tells me she has friends in a government agency from which she
retired, and has collected some pretty ugly facts about my past (none of
which can be anything close to the alleged horrors in my divorce files.) I
received an anonymous phone call regarding the same activism threatening a
trumped-up lawsuit: "We'll break you, you liberal sonofabitch. Don't make
us own your house boy!" In fact, last week the owner of a local Internet
forum announced he had turned me in to the Homeland Security Administration
due to the unpatriotic nature of my postings. Small things to be sure, but
they add up. If nothing else, they say something about the political climate
these days.
When push comes to shove
Someday historians may be tracking the spread of this malign political virus
like we now trace the rise of earlier fascist movements. And I think they
will conclude that it began here in the American South, that breeding ground
of all things politically dark and deep-fried in hate, which gave us
slavery, the Civil War, Orville Faubus, the Klan, Trent Lott, the fanatical
Christian right... the same sweat-soaked crooked venal South that that had
no qualms about fixing a Florida election for George Bush. As a matter of
fact, George W. Bush's political career started in the South when he was
organizing Christian support for his daddy. And it is through deal-making
with some of its most scheming slimeballs (i.e., Pat Robertson delivering
millions of holy-roller votes in exchange for government concessions worth
tens of millions) that he helped get daddy elected. I believe that, like so
many of our national carcinomas, the present one began in the South too. It
is as if yet another American congenital defect manifests itself from down
in that unconscious realm of the national psyche, from the land of the
tobacco chawing sheriffs and snake-handling churches, to infect our entire
political organism. But that's another story.
Meanwhile, it is hard not to notice that the administration polarized around
Bush displays the same meanness. They see the same spooks, enemies and
demons to be eliminated in every corner of the world and at home. The whole
crew gives international law, the Geneva Conventions and civil liberties the
same sneer. Are they as sick as he is? Or are they just one big happy
dysfunctional family in which they play the role of enablers? Or did they
simply end up there because of the twisted trajectory of their own career
passage through the bowels of the military-industrial-political monolith?
But when you stand back, and look at where they all came from, look at the
entire interconnected apparatus of the military industrial war machine, the
gutless complicity of big corporate media, our numbed, engorged culture of
destruction and consumption...it all becomes too much to bear.
Too much to bear. Well, if push comes to shove and shove comes to worse,
some of us seem not about to bear it at all. One can get a dual passport as
a safety precaution, as an escape option. Scarcely a week goes by that I do
not meet a person who confides that he or she is considering just that,
because of our present political condition (Let's be honest here in these
lefty communications masquerading as Internet essays. How many readers have
considered the idea?) I cannot verify it with immigration application
figures, but I would suspect there is at least some increase in the number
of Americans seeking to emigrate to places such as Great Britain, or New
Zealand or Canada. A New Zealand newspaper recently ran an editorial
welcoming liberal Americans, called them asylum seekers and opining that New
Zealand should ease its strict immigration standards for them because those
fleeing tend to be educated, creative people with high ideals. They must be
observing something from down there. Speaking for myself, I cannot decide
about emigrating. Is it best to agree with Greg Palast and Gore Vidal that
it is safer to shoot at the bastards from across the waters? Fighting from
within is beginning to look like a lesser option every day. Or should one
take the stance of Marine Corps hero Chesty Puller, who said: "The enemy is
in front of us. The enemy is behind us. He is to our right and to our left.
We can't miss'em now, boys!" That sounds good, but one person never beats a
A whiff of hopelessness hangs in the air. After all, we live in a country in
which nearly a million citizens marched for women's lives last April in
Washington D.C., yet barely made the local news, and then only because of
the traffic congestion, not the issue. We are talking about a country whose
non-elected leader called the largest global demonstrations in human
history -- the worldwide demonstrations against the then-impending war in
Iraq -- a "focus group." Most Americans do not even know that it took place.
Is it truly possible to be heard in such a nation? If it is impossible for
sane dissent, (real dissent, not just the corporate-sponsored stage-prop
Democratic Party opposition), to have a national voice, then all our frogs
are already cooked. In which case it has ceased to matter that we may have
another of history's full blown wackjobs as our leader.
As you can see, at the moment I am in a grim quandary. So are many others, I
am sure. But given the vicissitudes of the human spirit, we can take comfort
in that tomorrow is yet another summer day, one that can be traversed on the
smooth plank of gin and tonic. Which, personally speaking, is most
fortunate. I recently learned that I have been nominated for the next
edition of Who's Who in Hell. I consider the mere nomination a career
highlight and plan to arrive there quite marinated.